Friday, October 17, 2014

A Rose of Fibre (A Poem by Arewa Jimmy Hands)

As artificial as a classwork

where's a day without a morning

where's a she without a she figure

real or not

Unbeautiful beauty

soon to be dark then we'll know

when the curtains will fall

and the layers will fade

indeed i have seen beauty

but I don't mean unbeautiful beauty.

Hair strands like fabric rose

with extensions like drastic quotes

garrulous as a swaggy magpie

hair strands should absorb the beauty of the days flourish

not repel to concave the sight of its fall

A hair strand should merry with the wind

like a child with its mothers breast milk

not propel around it, like to observe a certain disfunct

Indeed I have seen beauty

but I don't mean unbeautiful beauty.

they say the time is past and the time has come

a conduit of flaws

an harbor of fades

a twin of misjudge

a rose of fibre

#ArewaJimmyHands #ARoseOfFibre

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